The group is divided into two, and while the older kids are guided around in the greenhouse, we play games with the younger ones. We introduce “potato running” and “bag jumping”, and the children love it. The volunteers are eager to try as well, but unfortunately they are too busy with trying to make the children stand in line.

When the older children come back from the greenhouse it’s our turn too take a look at the exotic plants of Yerevan. Although the greenhouse looks like it’s going to fall down, and the plants looks like they grow wilder there than in the jungle, the children do not seem to care. They are exited about everything, from remembering the names of plants when asked, to looking at fish in a very dirty pond. As for me, I have to admit that I also got a bit exited when the old woman who is guiding us suddenly picks up a turtle and holds it in front of us.

Then it is time for ice cream, hot dogs and drinks. It seems like the children could not be more content, but when the girls get colourful handmade bracelets and the boys get sunglasses they are walking around with a grin on their face so big I am afraid that their face will burst.

After a day filled with fun the children again sit in the warm bus. However after spending around 5 hours in the sun they are remarkably calmer than when they came. On their way back to the dormitory one can imagine them sitting in the bus still tasting the thick juicy piece of watermelon we gave them just before departure, and looking at the scratches on their legs as a result of a day running freely around in the soft grass of the botanical garden.
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